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Renewing our minds about our identity in Him changes EVERYTHING! It is the number 1 area to renew about, which shatters so many other areas of bondage in a remarkable domino effect.


  • My progress in understanding my identity has accelerated my personal transformation more than all the years I have been a Christian. This mind renewal project will guide you through 63 days of transformation.
  • You will discover your position in Christ, who you are, your authority, the power given to you to overcome many struggles in life and live out your calling in Christ. Including the keys to renewing your mind to these truths.
  • We will practice delighting in this freedom and will proactively choose an area of our life to apply these truths.

You more than likely are renewing your mind in many areas of life (or maybe not) but without understanding what has been done for you and the ability to see and live life from Christ's perspective, then mind renewal can be a more challenging journey than necessary.

This course will go beyond just your average bible study, but we will also be renewing our minds on our identity.

There is an accompanying free video course to run alongside this study.


This book is 245 pages long including affirmations, worksheets and testimonies from many women who have gone through this mind renewal project.

Freedom: Delighting In Your Identity In Christ

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