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Over 90 affirmations, devotions and scripture prayers about the role of dear Holy Spirit in our lives.


For so long the teachings of Holy Spirit's role in our lives have been hidden with confusion, incorrect teachings and mystery.


This book is calling forth people of God who are ready to begin a journey of not just hearing about Holy Spirit but to renew their minds to who He is and what has been made available for every believer.


The purpose of this book is not to teach but to let the scriptures and Holy Spirit teach you about who He is for you.


This is our gift to you and it is packed with 90 devotions, prayers and affirmations about His role.


We invite you to read the verses, speak the affirmations and prayers a few a day and ask Holy Spirit to reveal Himself to you through them.


Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

2 Corinthians 3:17

Dear Holy Spirit!

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