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Sophia Tucker

3 Tips For A Powerful Bible Study

I am so excited to message you today on our first day of Introduction Week for our Renewing the Mind Study!

Every day this week we will be helping you to get ready and prepared for our new study. Today I want to start my first 3 tips for success in a bible study or mind renewal course.

My 3 Tips for success in a study

1 - Grab a basket or folder where you can hold all your information

If you are familiar with Tapestry you will know that we try to give our ladies as many resources to help make their studies as effective as possible.

Some of us can get overwhelmed so my first suggestion is to get a basket or folder and add everything you are going to need for your mind renewal in one place. This helps overcome procrastination and keeps you on track with everything conveniently in one place.

Books, pens, color pens or pencils, journals, the bible? You need them all so put them in a nice place where you can dedicate to the Lord each time you meet with Him daily.

You can also sign up for the bible school that also has a lot of these things in one place and much more! Sign up for your 10-day trial here:

2 - Connect with other like-minded friends

Don't do this alone! Many many of our friends at Tapestry say this "I tried this study on my own but nothing was as good doing it with others"

God tells us that Iron sharpens Iron and it is true! Some of my greatest insights have begun in discussion with my sisters in Christ and this has opened the door for Holy Spirit to jump in and reveal so much more.

One of the ways you can do this is by signing up for our free zoom classes. We have some great new classes and spots are filling up fast so make sure you are signed up:

3 - Have an expectancy mindset!

This is key for anything we begin and hope to finish!

When a lady is pregnant she is thinking about and expecting what the baby will look like, a safe delivery, the love she will feel when the baby arrives. Its this mindset that when the birthing process gets tough or difficult enables her to keep pressing on. With Mind Renewal or a study, we are birthing a new mindset and brand new transformation!

What are you expecting? What are you birthing?

Typical questions I have are; "I have so much going on, can I really afford to do this now?" or "Is this really necessary?", these are all great questions when we embark on something new.

The key is to pray and know your why and then set your expectancy and mind high on things above! When we major on God's Word His rewards are abundantly clear. I have never regretted mind renewal, bible study, or prayer.

I am praying for you that God will give you a clear vision of what you will look like at the end of your transformation.

If you haven't signed up yet, it's not too late to give it a go! We welcome you!


Have you set up your basket, folder, or area for daily mind renewal? Share a picture in the comments.

Have you started to consider what area you may renew your mind for the following 9 weeks? Share below. Don’t worry if you haven’t yet, there is plenty of time!

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